Thursday 7 October 2010

Comparing opening sequence conventions for two different films

1st film - Up

The film is a computer-animated film and the genre is fantasy, action, science-fiction, comedy and adventure.
In the opening scene of this film we found out about Carl, his appearance, the way he is, and a girl called Ellie, they both grow old together. Carl Fredricksen, a shy and quiet young boy, meets an energetic and outgoing bucktoothed barefooted tomboy named Ellie. In the opening scene, we see how Carl and Ellie meet each other it then goes on to them and shows us their life - some sad parts. in the opening scene Ellie dies but from the beginning we know it's going to be an adventure film. Within Up it covers the micro features by using cinematography which covers both camera angles and camera movement. Cinematography allows the spectators be able to see certain view points providing different types of information. The micro features also include sound within Up, sound is used to create mood and atmosphere and helps set the scene. There are 2 types of sound diegetic - sound that the characters can hear and act upon and non-diegetic which is sound that characters cant hear, but expresses emotion for the audience and adds mood and atmosphere.

2nd Film - A Christmas Carol

The sound track is very christmassy (ringing bell shows it's midnight), the lighting is at a high position and goes on the characters face to give a creepy spooky effect.
The main character is introduced on his bed (in darkness). The film is historical fantasy , we know this from the beginning because of the different types of cinematography and we know that the setting is in the past. It also uses time travel which is another characteristic of fantasy.

By Holly Burkett, Shona Addison and Becca Hart

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