Monday 11 October 2010

British Board of Film Classification

The British board of Film classification also known as the BBFC is a company that decides - using the societies views to determine what classification each film should be.
There are 9 main categories that help decide this. They are :
1. Discrimination
2. Drugs
3. Horror
4. Imiteble behaviour
5. Language
6. Nudity
7. Sex
8. Theme
9. Violence

each of these then relates to what classification they are apart of.
They could be any of the following:

     U stands for Universal. This means that it is suitable for ages 4 and over; this allows young children to watch the film also. No discrimination is present, unless specifically disapproving of it. The film must also be clear of drug usage, and if any appears there must be a moral behind it from Young Children to learn from. Scenes must also not be disturbing to young children or cause them anxiety, and the outcome must always be reassuring. In sequences with use bad behaviour there must not be a emphasis on reality. There may be some natural nudity as long as there is not sexual content. With regards to sexual content, there may only be references and slight kissing seen. Infrequent use of bad language and mild violence only. 

Unaccompanied children of any age may watch a film certified with PG. A PG film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. However, parents should consider whether the footage may upset younger or more sensitive children. PG stands for Parental Guidance. Offensive language or behaviour will not be acceptable unless clearly disapproved of or in an educational or historical context.  Discrimination by a character with which children can identify is unlikely to be accepted. References to illegal drugs or drug misuse must carry a suitable anti-drug message. Frightening sequences should not be prolonged or intense. Fantasy settings may be a mitigating factor. Detail of dangerous behaviour which young children are likely to copy is not accepted. Also, no glamorisation of realistic or easily accessible weapons. Mild bad language may be used only and Nudity but without sexual background. Sexual activity may be implied, but should be discreet and infrequent and also the use of Mild sex references and innuendo only. Where more serious issues are featured nothing in their treatment should condone unacceptable behaviour. Moderate violence, without detail, may be allowed, if justified by its context.

12A may only be viewed by children aged 12 and over, although an adult may accompany a child under 12 to see film with this certificate in a cinema.
15's may only be viewed by children ages 15 and over.
18's may only be viewed by adults.
R18's may only be viewed by adults and seen in licensed cinemas.

We are going to use the certification PG because we wanted to make an opening scene that represents a realistic film that children can relate to. Most films rated 'U' are animations, and we wanted to use real life actors instead of Models and Animations. PG will appeal to a child-based audience and still be interesting.

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