Sunday 31 October 2010

Analysis of childrens film opening sequence

Wallace and Gromit - the curse of the ware-Rabbit

The opening sequence of the film is pictues of wallace and gromit as they are growing up, it starts from when they are young and ends at the present day, the pictures are shown within their house on a large wall. The theme tune is cheerful and up beat and is played in the background, suddenly the theme tune changes and you see a dark shadow outside of the window, it then jumps to outside in the village and you see a policeman walking up a dark road, all you hear is the policemans footsteps walking around. You then see another wall covered in pictures of people, one of the eyes of them are flashing and beeping. The next thing you whilst keeping the picture within the frame is a kettle boiling on the stove. It then skips to wallace and gromit getting ready by using all of the contraptions in their home, this gives you information about the characters personalities and their way of life. The two characters are then seen in their van going into the village.
You are then able to realise that they are going to the house of the person who's eyes where flashing and then a neighbour calls them 'anit-pesto' showing that their job is to look after the villages gardens and keep the fruit and vegetables safe. You find out the genre of the film as everything is made to be mysterious, for example the shadow by the window and the how the music and sounds withing the frame change.
You immediately find out that the location of the film is within their home and around the village that in effect you have a tour round. The pictures that we first see show the previous experiences that the characters have had together and clearly show that they are very close. You know that this film is annimated as it is clearly shown it is a dreamworks annimation film. This is clearly show due to the fact the logo is seen evern before the film starts and the typical wallace and gromit logo has been shown. The criminal of the film is also show within the opening sequence as it creates a link between the smaller creatures and the large creature that becomes the main promblem creating the trouble and mystery throughout the fim.

By Becca

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