Monday 4 October 2010

12Q1 10 Holly, Becca, Shona.

What did you learn?

We learnt that consistency and continuity is very important when making a film as it makes it look realistic and professional. We also learnt that camera angles are important and needed for continuity and allow it to make sense all the way through, making the audience interested.

How has this practice helped you prepare for the real thing ?

It has helped us get a feel for how to use the cameras. And what camera angles to use best, and to make sure we have the correct lighting. We have also learnt what shot types to use for different scenes and allow us to use them effectively for a professional look. Finally, we learnt to consider our surrounding whilst filming, because background noise will carry though over dialogue.

By Becca Hart, Holly Burkett and Shona Addison :)

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